Child Care/
Day Program
Children’s Country Child Care (CCCC)
was established in 2013 to help families get their children to our preschool.
We understand working parents and transportation are the biggest concerns.
We’d like to provide an affordable child care option that can be tailored to meet your need on a weekly basis located right at our facility.
The preschool classes are separate from the child care.
Because of the popularity of our child care, only children enrolled in our preschool can enroll in our child care, too.
Child Care Rates
2025-2026 Rates
Children's Country Child Care
Children's Country Child Care is licensed to care for Preschoolers 36 months to 6 years old that are toilet trained and not enrolled in Kindergarten. Children must be enrolled in one of our preschool classes in order to enroll in our child care.
Our hours of operation are from 7:00AM to 5:00PM. If we find that on certain days we are not needed that early or late, we will be open according to the needs of our clients.
We will be open the week after Labor Day and end the last week of May, provided there is still a need once Preschool ends right before Memorial Day weekend. We will be closed during the summer months. Check the calendar for a few additional dates around holidays or training dates that we will be closed. Our child care/extended day program will follow the preschool calendar and be closed when preschool is closed.
Our main child care room is the Rainbow Room (in the front of the church). The 3 mornings the Purple preschool class is in session, we will be using the Jacob/Hannah Sunday school rooms (at the top of the stairs) that is licensed for child care. However, once the Preschool day is done at 11:00 we will transfer the children to the Rainbow Room.
Children staying over lunch time will need to bring a bag lunch (with ice pack if necessary) each time. Milk will be provided. A microwave is available for simple re-heating of food. CCCC will provide a simple healthy snack in the morning and afternoon. We will plan to eat lunch around 11:30.
Napping or “Quiet Time” will be shortly after lunch (around 12:30-2:00 p.m.) This is a required licensing rule. Cots will be provided. Children can bring a favorite blanket and “lovey” each day (or it can be kept at school and taken home at the end of the week for washing).
Drop in care (with 24 hour notice) Because of the popularity of our extended child care, drop in care is only available to students enrolled in our preschool. Check with us for back-up care for your regular provider.
Children enrolled in Preschool will be escorted by CCP staff to where they need to go. All staff has background studies. Staffing will depend upon enrollment needs. Some CCP teachers may be utilized.
Contact Info
Registration, Payments, Drop In Care, Scheduling Changes
Sue Duley, Director, 763-498-8938 or
After Hours Phone (3:30-5:00)
763-498-8938 or brightwheel message the staff
In nice weather, continue to dial until a teacher answers. Generally they come in from outside by 4:15PM.
Please do not leave a voicemail as messages will be listened to the following morning.
Child Care Staff
Laurie Francello
Kaylee Blasko
Sherri Schlauderaff
Bekah Aleckson
Paige Donwen
Child Care Registration
Print and complete a Child Care Registration 2025-2026 for each child.
Mail or Drop off a non-refundable $50.00 registration fee to reserve a spot for your child. Make checks payable to: Children’s Country Child Care.
Mail or Drop off a completed Health Care Summary Form and Immunization Form by the first day of Child Care or your child will not be admitted as per state law. (The Health Care Summary Form is not needed if your child was enrolled at Children’s Country Preschool last year and his/her medical history has not changed.)
Pay your weekly fees on the first day of child care for that week . A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed to all accounts that are not current by the close of Friday.
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy
Children’s Country Preschool admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its education policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.